Thursday, December 13, 2007

week 16-i'M a gIrL!

profile: you can kind of see her little foot up across from her eyes
arm: sort of looks like a bony dog leg at this point. this shot really shows you how crunched up she is.

cute little feet (i think she got my high arches!)

and here's where there aren't any boy parts, leading us all to agree that she's a girl!

mommy is feeling pretty good-still as nauseous as she's been all along, which isn't very and is much less than with nash. and she's only actually thrown up once or twice. total weight gain thus far: 4 lbs. and it's starting to start to show-the uterus is starting to push up and pants are applying a little uncomfortable pressure...there's no turning back now!


Diane CaƱate said...

Yess!!! I made the first comment! I love you already cute little bean!

gina bina said...

Duh. Of course she already has a blog! I loved reading all the drama about finding out you were pregnant. Love her name, love her, love you.

A note to Haven: I hope you know what a cool mommy (and daddy) you have. If you don't know, that will be the first thing I tell you when we meet. You are one lucky little girl!

lisset said...

so I have to say, again..congrats! and again, you are so stinking brave!
just a blink of an eye before haven says hello to the world- how exciting!!!
alright...i'm gushing...YAY!!!

Harris Family said...

You will have to teach me how you customize you Blog- I love it. You are SOOOO BRAVEEE. and I have left James home alone napping probably too many times.....