number of teeth: 10 (six of which broke through within a day or two!)
words: uh-oh, hi, dada, mama (which she only says when she's crying). that's it. i think i've heard her say thank you and let's go and she'll copy some words, but she mostly just screams and points until we figure out what she wants.
loves: eggs, bananas, and food of most any kind, to be outside, running, dancing. we put the stereo in nash's room and she likes to go in and press play and dance her little heart out. she's got some good moves, most recently dropping to her knees during some hard rock.
she loves her pink blankie from aunt hollie. she nestles herself into it and coos. when she's sad she goes to her crib and gets it out to console herself. she puts it down on the stairs, the floor, a chair, and then flops onto it and sort of rocks herself. she loves that thing.
she also loves the tub and it's pretty hard for anyone in the house to take a shower or bath without her climbing in. once while steve was in the shower she climbed in fully clothed. steve had been facing the showerhead and when he turned around he screamed.
she loves to go on walks, especially when pushing a baby doll stroller. and she LOVES to swing and go down the slide. she especially loves the trampoline and runs around it like a crazy lady with her static-y hair. she's very daring and has to be watched very closely at the park. one day i looked away for two seconds because i had something in my eye and when i turned around she was hanging from an opening in the bars (why do they design playgrounds like that?).
last week as i lay in bed sick hoping the kids would watch tv all day, haven escaped. nash came running into my room exclaiming 'haven's outside, mama!' i ran outside (in my underwear) and found her two houses down. booking it. of course she threw a fit when i brought her inside.
she love to climb up and sit on chairs, especially our green velvet chair. you can tell she thinks she's pretty cool when she does it.
and, lastly, she LOVES her dad. she is a true daddy's girl. she walks around the house all day calling for him. she picks up the phone and tries to talk to him. she runs to him and gives him forehead kisses. she worships him. and he her. it's pretty darn cute.
things she doesn't like: listening, although she's actually starting to improve a little here. she used to panic and scream if you tried to get her to stop doing anything. now she'll listen about half the time without a fit. she hates to hold hands and she hates diaper changes. she screams and runs every single time.
she doesn't like to sit still and we have yet to make it through an entire sacrament meeting with her in the room. we started putting her in nursery a few weeks ago because it was too exhausting (and pointless) dealing with her in church.
she loves to fight with her brother, although this is not a good thing so that's why i'm listing it in the 'things she doesn't like.' a sneaky way of saying she doesn't like her brother. she knows how to pick a fight and even if he's trying to be sweet and give her kisses she'll usually throw a punch. in a miracle moment last week, though, she bowed to him and made her little bird noise (asked for a kiss) and nash obliged. sadly i was at the instacare and missed it, but steven said it was pretty cute.
let's just say she's a strong-willed spirited child, but she has her sweet moments and they are heart-melting. she's not a cuddler, but lately she's started to come sit in my lap or beside me on the couch. as long as i try to play it cool, she'll stay a while. but if i try to sneak a hug or a kiss she's outta there fast.
we love our girl!
1 comment:
I love her hairdo haha. Man, she's huge and mobile. Crazy.
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