Sunday, September 21, 2008

i can't believe this little girl is already four months (17.5 weeks) old today. the time seems to be flying by so much faster than it did with nash. i think i'm getting better at this mom thing and am enjoying it more and more each day. haven has been getting happier as each day passes, too, spending less and less time crying and more and more time smiling and laughing and learning. her a.r. is finally under control and we haven't had a freak-out in over a week. she wakes up giggling (sometimes a little too early in the morning) and screams with excitement when we go to her crib. she's quite a happy screamer and knows how to get her share of mom's attention. she loves to be held, but is content to lay and watch me play with nash. she's sitting up with a little support, rolling over and inching on her tummy, and sleeping like a champ. she scrunches her nose and raises one eyebrow when she smiles (i've yet to capture this on camera). and best of all, she and nash have an amazing relationship that blows my mind and makes me so proud. i hope every day that they will remain the best of friends.

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